

  • La Vieille Ferme Rose 2017 750ml
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    La Vieille Ferme

    La Vieille Ferme Rose 750ml

    Description : If you like easy drinking rosé wines, this one is perfectly suiting aperitifs and simple cookery. Elaboration : Wine elaborated by Saignée method. Vinification in stainless steel tanks until January, the wine is then...
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  • Turkey Flat Rose 2018
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    Turkey Flay Vineyards

    Turkey Flat Rose 750ml

    The Barossa Valley has the perfect climate and ideal grape varieties to produce Rosé. It is a wine style that should be enjoyed fresh and chilled. Having been amongst the first to lead the great Rosé revival, it has been interesting to...
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    Pizzini Rosetta 2017 750ml

    Pizzini Wines

    Pizzini Rosetta 2017 750ml

    This vibrant pale red rose is made with Sangiovese. The varietal red fruits are just the thing you're after when rose is on the table - plenty of cherry fruits, raspberries and strawberries, some musky floral notes lift off the top. The palate's all...